  • Пилешко с ориз и зеленчуци

Бебешко пюре “Пилешко с ориз и зеленчуци”

Ingredients: Пилешко филе 14 %, зеленчуци 23% / моркови ,зелен фасул /,оризово брашно 7% , слънчогледово масло,вода.

Does not contain: gluten, захар,сол, colorants,консерванти и аромати.

190 g.
4+ месеца

Product Description

  • Proteins 4,0 g
  • Fat 2,3 g
  • Carbohydrates 7 g
  • Energy value 65 kcal /271 kJ/

  • Proteins 7,7 g
  • Fat 4,3 g
  • Carbohydrates 13,6 g
  • Energy value 124 kcal /518 kJ/

* The analytical data varies according to the biological fluctuations characteristic of the natural raw materials.

Directions for use

>Wash the jar before opening, then warm to body temperature.

>Give 4-5 teaspoonfuls per day for the first few days, then gradually increase the quantity until the recommended intake per meal is reached.

>Keep the rest in a refrigerator no longer than 24 hours.

>The baby puree is suitable for main meal.

Breast milk is best for your baby. This product does not substitute breast milk.